Shut Your Trap
The comment on the previous enrty about Leon was absolutely correct. I have have no business reporting on gossip and rumors. I know how it feels to have people spread misinformation, so I will not do it anymore. I apologize to Leon and wish him the best. I will only report on things I know for sure and are in the best interest of my readers. I would not want anyone writing untrue crap about me, so I am not going to do it about a fellow member of the tribe. I will keep my trap shut.
At 2:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's YOUR blog, brotha. Type what you want to share with us.
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
How else are people going to know what really is going on down there unless someone from down there tells us. You did the right thing in telling about Leon. Regarless if you met him or not. What has happened to him is worth talking about. So what, he has some crazy sissy who still thinks he can "walk on water". So what, I bet he can't walk thru walls and out of that federal jail they have him locked in right now. Think about it, if Leon was able to make his presence known don't you think that egotistical mainiac would have done so by now. Instead of his few supporters lambasting you for doing your job, they should be trying to find out where the hell Leon is locked up, so they can send him a cake with a metal cutting saw blade in it. LOL
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
DR1 reported that Ms Leon was in jail for "murder" and that those who had their cell phones stolen at the Bar, were being screened by FBI & CIA. See Byron, you do not need to apologize to Ms Thing, She did it to herself. I totally agree with Simbul.
At 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
To anonymous,
First of all this is not Byron's "job", it is only a hobby that he has chosen to present his views on "his" life in the DR. He can take the high road or the low one, his choice. Great minds discuss ideals, average minds discuss events and simple minds gossip about people. Did you think that Leon could "walk on water", do you even know him or were you simply consumed with jealousy to the point of wishing him misfortune. What did he do to "you". Show me a sucessful person who doesn't have a strong ego. You see that is a common trait, belief in oneself. Now since you seem to know what is going on with Leon, please inform us all. But, in the process also explain why you give a f*ck. You seem emotionally invested in Leon. It doesn't take strenght to kick a man when he is down. As the song goes, we fall down but we ge up. What ever the case, would you have the strength to get back up again. Just a thought, dear. Byron, I apologize for hijacking your thread. I enjoy your blog. Stay true to you and rise above the pettiness. peace
At 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Can someone tell us how to find the article about Leon on DR1's website? What date was it published? There doesn't seem to be any Search option on their home page.
At 9:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The "information" is posted on DR1 in the Travel Section under Santo Domingo. It makes no sense at all and the thread was closed almost immediately!
From Puerto Rico,
At 10:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Byron, please excuse me for a sec.
To the anonymous who stated taking the "high" road or "low" road:
You are stating your JUDGEMENT. Whether you have the faculties to know it or not. This is Byron's blog and it isn't about "high" or "low". It is about HIM and what he wants to share. You may (with his permission) share your view on HIS commentaries, but it is HIS voice. I didn't judge his statement about Leon. I simply read it because he chose to share the information (whether erroneous or correct) with us. After all it is his page, not mine. I took it for what it is. HIS hearsay and HIS words, and was glad he SHARED it.
Thank you, Byron. Please keep sharing YOU. I like what YOU share. PLEASE DON'T STOP. I come to YOUR page to hear YOUR thoughts. It doesn't matter if I agree or not.
Peace in Spirit, Simbul.
At 11:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
The reason you can't find the article on DR1, it simply does not exist. The evil, sick lying queen would have linked us to it. Silly,silly silly. Who know what evil leaaks in the heart of man.
At 1:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, yes! The thread on DR1 about Leon is still there dated 9/22 right where I said it would be. I do insist that it makes no sense at all. Whoever posted it must have been high on something...
From Puerto Rico,
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
How do you get to the post?
When I follow your instructions I get to the following URL:
This is not a News page; there's no reference to dates at all let alone 09/22.
Please help us by posting the exact URL.
Mucho gracias....
At 9:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
Let me see...
1.) Go to
2.) Click MESSAGE BOARDS on left-hand side of topics.
3.)Scroll down to TRAVEL and click on SANTO DOMINGO. It's the 5th post dated 9/22. It also makes no sense at all, but I've said that twice already...
From Puerto Rico,
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Here are two links:
At 5:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
The link is exactly where the man said it was:
Click here. Cryptic, nonsensical, but more grist for the mill. If someone does have the info, just give it up.
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