At Last
I wrote this piece this afternoon after basking in afterglow with Richard. Etta James was on I-tunes blaring, "I Want a Sunday Kind of Love". I was just about to change the music when "At last" started to play. As I turned over to reach for my pen and pad, I caught a glimpse of Richard looking at some of my college photos. Me with a bunch of friends on Spring Break and camping. He said, "you have sunshine inside you". For a moment I didn't know what to make of the statement. Just then, I had a moment of clarity--Richard gets me, he really gets me. At Last.
For Richard
At last, I have found a love that speaks to me. A man who gets me, who truly gets me.
A man who understands, not just my wants, but also my needs. As a sinner going to the altar I want to testify that at last, I have found my man.
It is a blessing that we met and how each day we continue to meet and get to know one another.
My Spirit embraces you in a warm hug as you get me. You don't understand, you get me. Many have attempted and failed, but, you get me, and oh happy day.
At last I have a found a soul mate that not only finds me physically attractive, but, who also finds me mentally stimulating.
Te quiero mucho, papi
For Richard
At last, I have found a love that speaks to me. A man who gets me, who truly gets me.
A man who understands, not just my wants, but also my needs. As a sinner going to the altar I want to testify that at last, I have found my man.
It is a blessing that we met and how each day we continue to meet and get to know one another.
My Spirit embraces you in a warm hug as you get me. You don't understand, you get me. Many have attempted and failed, but, you get me, and oh happy day.
At last I have a found a soul mate that not only finds me physically attractive, but, who also finds me mentally stimulating.
Te quiero mucho, papi
At 11:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Byron! I've been following your blog since it was called "Casa Newyorker."
You've got me swept up in your love fest with Richard. Yummy! My question, though, is: Who is Richard? Is that him in the picture with you? Is he Dominican? Did you meet him down there? Somehow I missed the "chapter" when he was first introduced.
Anyway, lots of love and kisses to both of you! Mmmuah!
At 11:31 AM,
The Byron said…
Thank you for your comments and best wishes. Yes, that is Richard with me in the photo. We met back in October on my first visit here. He became a very good friend and then more. He is Dominican and 25 years old. He is a former boxer and currently a student.
At 2:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
It's "me" again. Thanks alot for responding to my questions. RICHARD IS GORGEOUS! Oops! I mean, "nice boyfriend." LOL! May God bless your relationship and hold you two together for years to come!
At 3:55 PM,
Santo Domingo Colonial Zone Apts said…
Byron, Byron, Byron. I am SCARED of you!!!!
At 2:38 PM,
The Byron said…
In no way would I want to destroy or diminish what I had with Scotch. He is an amazing and wonderful person. I wish him nothing be happiness and success. I think our season just passed. I hope he can find someone who can love him, like he needs to be loved.
At 9:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
May I ask you this question? With you living there and, knowing the state of things do you think that your "New Love" is really different than what most of us experience on our shorts trips (for a few pesos)? I mean are you just in the glow of it being new or do you believe that it's true love? I mean we all understand that we can have that cuties and, he get's us as long as we pick up the check.
So are you saying that with you and Richard that you are equals and, share and treat and each other and share equally?
I'm not trying to put a damper on your New found "Love" but, it is the DR and we all know that they will be around as long as the MONEY is around!
I would just say enjoy while it last and, I wish you will but, keep one EYE open!
At 10:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Byron....We celebrate your newfound Dominican love, and wish you two all success and happiness for many years. But your latest reference to Scotch puzzles. what possessed you to post such a condescending comment about your former love, speaking to him in the third person and putting it out there for the whole world to see? I don't see anything on this blog that should have motivated such a comment, however well intentioned it probably was.
At 6:40 AM,
The Byron said…
It's funny you mention that. I have never been in the pay for play situation. I found someone who has never asked me for anything. He supports his family and that is a huge responsibility. He pays when he can and sometimes when he can't. If I buy the food,m then he wil cook. If he sugggest a restaurant, then he pays. If fact he paid for the movies last night.
At 6:47 AM,
The Byron said…
I wrote the comment about Scotch, becasue I have recieved some mean and hateful comments(that I did not publish). Those comments suggested that I was trying to hurt Scotch. That was mot my intention at all. I just wanted to share my joy. From now on, I will temper my comments about my new relationship.
At 10:14 AM,
T-D Moderator said…
Byron, honey, don't be no fool! You do YOU. If you're happy and you truly feel this is the man for you, then go for it and have a great time together!
Don't let pessimistic people who don't have a special someone in their lives and who don't feel loved day-to-day try to put a damper on your thing!!
Yes, we all know what the USUAL is, but I say HALLELUJAH when something different happens and I celebrate with you!
You don't owe any explanations. I'm sure you and Scotch did things amicably because of the people you are.
At 11:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Byron, for the clarification of your comments about Scotch. As I said, we DO celebwho is possibly rate your newfound love. My only concern was when I put myself in Scotch' shoes, I was wondering how he felt, because your comment appeared to be gratuitous. As we all know, I'm sure, the ending of a once-beautiful relationship can sometimes be traumatic on the one left behind. But you cleared up the issue by explaining why you posted the comment.
I am sorry about two things: 1) that you should receive hateful comments that you feel you have to respond to, and 2) that Mr. Washington appears to be so judgemental of other posters whom he does not know and with with whom he may not agree.
So truly All the Very Best to Richard and you . . and to Scotch, too. I'm looking forward to meeting y'all on my next trip to SD - probably around Thanksgiving.
At 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree with Mr. Washington!! YOU do YOU and F#(k everybody else. Hopefully I'll get to meet you when I get there in Aug. Peace.
At 5:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Byron, I have no comment on any of your relationships, but I do have a concern. You mentioned "tempering" down your posts to accomodate others. Please DON'T do that. This is your blog, and I visit it regularly to learn through YOUR eyes. If you hold back thoughts you wish to share, you deprive not only those of us who may benefit, but also yourself. Some may say hurtful things, yet let our positive remarks be your foundation and shield.
Every relationship exists for a reason. When that reason is met, the relationship has served its purpose and it may be time to move on.
Please don't stop sharing.
At 5:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Byron, I am happy for you and your new found Richard, probably we all are. But you have to be honest to yourself and other readers on this blog, and tell the truth and nothing but the truth:
a) Richard was not a boxer, his father was. b) He does not support his family, not even his son. Family support come from overseas. c) He doesn't pay for restaurant dinner you do it.
Conclusion, he is as human as we all are, not a boxing macho, not a responsible provider and not a equal payer. Your reader is right, for now the relationship is based in money, your money, keep an eye open. That might change in the far future when he get his college degree, but for now dont paint the present as a perfect present.
Doing justice to Richard, he is not after money cause I know him (as all you american are not the same, not all dominicans are for sale). He is a great cook, and I will agree with Byron that he will sunshines any of your lifes with his great smile and inner strengh.
(And Byron, if you edit or erase this comment I will put honey on your dick when sleeping for the ants to come and byte you!)
At 5:13 AM,
The Byron said…
Shaniqua wrote that last post. She thinks she knows the truth, but doesn't know the whole story.
I apperciate her comment, but I will stab her later!
At 6:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do you accounting in the last 3 months and will be a mirror to enlight you with the truth.
At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Byron, I love your promise to Shaniqua..."but I will stab her later." Puts me in mind of a beautiful French phrase...."Je t'aime et je tu tuerer." Ask one of your haitian friends if necessary. I guarantee you both will laugh.
At 8:23 AM,
The Byron said…
I know the truth and Richard knows the truth. That is what's important. People in glass houses should not throw stones. I appreciate your well wishes and comments.
At 7:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Byron, my name is Frank and I live the DC metro area. I didn't meet you while I was in Santo Domingo recently. However, I did meet Scotch. I detected that he was somewhat bitter from our short conversation because I thought it strange to discuss such a personal subject at a Bar with a total stranger but I did sense that he is trying to move on. Let's face it; in any Break-Up, someone is going to hurt longer than the other, however; "time" will heal all. I was previlaged to be a part of three very signifcant relationships to date and have no regrets about each as we both grew and learned from each other. I enjoy reading your Blog as you write well. You style is very descriptiveand look forward to meeting you on one of my trips to DR. I wish You, Richard and Scotch the best always ! - FH
At 10:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
On my next visit to DR, I want to met "Shaniqua". Don't everybody needs a friends like her? Byron, just stab her with a toothpic after lunch. Better yet, pinch her like a church mother -- I like her comment.
Nice blog Sir Byron. I don't know you, but I wish you the best.
Peace and blessings to all who read these blogs.
Through the drama, we'll make it!
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
How do I say this.... As September comes, It never wants to see December. It yearns for the new air of May. Ahh May, A Time of spring when every thing is new and our hearts can recapture our youth.. ah yes May. But in the circle of life Winter cannot be held back and soon September will become December and May will become September... not ready for the cold emotional winds of winter.
At 3:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
How do I say this.... As September comes, It never wants to see December. It yearns for the new air of May. Ahh May, A Time of spring when every thing is new and our hearts can recapture our youth.. ah yes May. But in the circle of life Winter cannot be held back and soon September will become December and May will become September... not ready for the cold emotional winds of winter.
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello I wrote the Last comment and I only wish you all the happiness That true love allows. God bless
At 6:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Special greetings to you Bryan and your new Love, what can one say but good luck and happy times to you both, but like a few have suggested, keep your eyes open at all times, cause you never know and in many cases your the last one to find out when things are going amist.But , for now have fun, enjoy each other and make the most of the great times your sharing. God Bless and by the way keep up the great detail writing on your blog, it is excellent and very informative, plus a joy to read.
P.S. just luv the pictures has well, please post more, smile .. sure wish I could read spanish that other site was a beauty to view, smile for many reasons.
JIM from Houston
At 7:13 PM,
The Byron said…
Thanks for all of your comments, pro and con. Just a few things to bring this topic to a close. I didn't meet Richard sitting at Paco's or at a bar. Their are hard working, trustworty and reliable Dominican men, and I met one. People have told me to keep my eyes open becasue he is Dominican. That is just plain rude. I know boys in the US who will steal the "stank" out of shit.
At 8:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Is Richard Gay? Is he bi? Does he also have a girlfriend? If he is bi or has a girlfriend, then he is in it for the money. He does not appear to be gay and therefore leads me to think that he is an opportunist as most Dominicans are. Looking for that every elusive US Dollar. You seem to be defending your relationship against a majority of doubters who obviously know the way things work in the DR. If you have to work that hard in defending a relationship and proving to people that this is an "equal" relationship then you must have some doubts or at lease can see some truth in what many are saying. Please don't delete my comment from your blog, as your picking and choosing of comments for your blog is as much a form of scensorship as what Bush wanted to do to the NY Times. If you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, then close your blog to ALL comments and paint your rose colored world as you see fit.
At 10:07 AM,
The Byron said…
Rose is a lovely shade of pink, my favorite color.
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